The top 5 skills you will need to succeed in the business world post-covid


The last few years have been turbulent to say the least and whether you are already running a business or you are just starting out- you will surely be wondering how to make certain you succeed!

The key thing now is that the world has forever been changed by Covid-19, in short – things won’t simply return to the way they were before and as a result we all need to approach things differently in the “new normal”.

So what can you do to ensure that you are as strong a candidate for success as possible?

Flexibility and Adaptability

This is something that all of us have had to get used to over the course of the pandemic but importantly, this is a critical skill that everyone should learn.

This means being open to change, taking on responsibilities as and when they arise and being able to deal with them and work well under the pressure.

Emotional Intelligence

The need for a genuine human connection and understanding is key to the way we are as humans. Each one of us wants to be listened to and understood in general day to day life and things are no different in business.

Empathising with others’ emotions and behaviours is crucial to connecting with that person and this shows good emotional intelligence.

The clarity that comes from good communication means that you are able to keep a level head and deal with situations as and when they arise – so emotional intelligence goes hand in hand with flexibility and adaptability.

Leadership – owning it

It’s not only CEO’s and managers that should possess great leadership skills – every one of us needs to own our decisions and demonstrate leadership skills.

Good leadership comes from following flexibility and adaptability and of emotional intelligence in order to communicate your vision whilst encouraging others and embracing the feedback from clients, colleagues and your peers.

Holding yourself accountable and being self-aware is an essential part of your success.

Critical thinking

Navigating your way through the plethora of fake news and contrasting data that we are exposed to daily is a struggle each of us must face. Ensuring that you are able to think clearly and rationally as you objectively evaluate this information is key to your success and to ensure that you make informed decisions.

Most of us will do this daily without realising that we are doing it but in business it is even more important as it can make or brake you and your business or that of your clients and colleagues.

Tech Savvy

Technology has come a long way and if you are not up to date with your digital skills then you are falling way behind the rest and are likely to be left out in the cold.

The pandemic has accelerated the need for specialised digital skillsets in almost all workplaces.

Although you don’t need to know every system or platform, demonstrating a solid working knowledge of technology such as programming, coding, AI, blockchain, big data etc will catapult you ahead of the competition.

In addition, ensuring that you are familiar with the most basic technological platforms such as social media, Microsoft, Google, streaming video and the like will help guarantee your own success and give you the tools to succeed in any role you choose to take.